The three images on this page are borrowed from the Kreis Ahrweiler website, which has extensive information on the area, all in German!:

For a crude translation of that or any page or text into English, try
and type or paste in the webpage or text.

This map shows the Rhine from Koblenz to Cologne with Kreis-Arhweiler highlighted.  Note: Kreis is approximately equivalent to county. 

(39KB GIF)
the dark green area is enlarged below


Map of Kreis Ahrweiler.  The Ahr River flows northeast to the Rhine.  At Ahrbrück the creek and the road to Heckenbach (shown here in white) can be seen.  Nieder- and Ober-Heckenbach are near the center of the map.

(106KB GIF)


If you compare this spectacular 3-dimensional rendering of the area's topography to the map above you can find the village and see the terrain there.  Brohl and many other places mentioned, and the Rhine bridges, are also visible.

(76KB JPG)

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last updated Feb 24, 2002